DNJ is a member of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC). Our CEO, Mr. Punit D Mehta, is on the RJC Board of Directors. We follow strict adherence to the RJC ‘Code of Practice’ that references key development frameworks, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO Principles and UN Global Compact and Sustainable Development Goals.
Proud to be a donor with Jewelers For Children since the last 8 years. Jewelers For Children was founded in 1999 by the U.S. jewelry industry with the mission of helping children in need. JFC has donated more than $60 million to programs benefiting children whose lives have been affected by illness, abuse, or neglect. DNJ has been a JFC donor from the year 2015 onwards.
Apni Shala is a non-government organisation that strives to increase access to social emotional learning (SEL) spaces for children, youth and the larger community, and to develop capacity among educators and mental health workers to facilitate SEL programs. DNJ has been supporting Apni Shala’s objectives from the year 2019 onwards.
DNJ family is a donor and trustee at a primary school in the Musahar Community, Bihar. Shoshit Seva Sangh (SSS) is a non-government organisation that aims to service the underprivileged, poverty ridden Musahar community of Bihar. SSS provides economic and medical relief to the community and helps raise the literacy rate through an affiliated school. DNJ has been supporting boarding and education of Musahar students from the year 2016 onwards.